Volunteers are always welcome and needed
What do HSDC Volunteers Do?
Love & Play with the Animals
Clean kennels and Cages
General Clean-up
Clean Litter Boxes
Wash dishes & fold clothes
Fundraisers & Events
Walk the Animals
Feed the Animals
Bathe the Animals
If you would like to become a volunteer, please call HSDC at 715-398-6784 to register for an upcoming volunteer trianing class. Dates vary based on our community and animal needs. Please also complete the Volunteer Application Form and bring it with you to the Humane Society. All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age or older.
We are actively seeking new board members to assist in the achievement of our mission of the humane treatment of animals. If you are interested in becoming involved with HSDC at the board level please contact the shelter at 715-398-6784. Upon completion, please mail or drop off at .
A note of thanks to our wonderful volunteers for all that they do to help the animals live happier lives until they can be placed into loving homes. If you have some spare time and want to help the animals, just stop in or give us a call or e-mail us and find out how you can help. A quote heard at a seminar: “Volunteers are not paid–not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless. We certainly think our volunteers are priceless and we are grateful for each and every one.”
To Volunteer, please call (715) 398-6784.