Updated: April 17, 2021 10:43 PM
Created: April 17, 2021 03:22 PM
Paws for Love Fundraiser Returns
After their biggest fundraising event of the year was cancelled last year as a result of the pandemic, the Humane Society Of Douglas County’s Paws for Love fundraiser has returned.
This year, the fundraiser’s auction will place virtually.
Bidding opened up Saturday morning and will go until next Sunday, April 25th at 9:00pm.
Those who would like to check out the Paws for Love Fundraiser can do so here.
“This is so totally new and exciting for us,” Cheri Fitch, Fundraising & Events Coordinator said. “We can’t wait.”
According to Fitch, supporting the animals could win you a number of cool prizes this year, including a trip to Disney World, a local getaway with a helicopter ride or the opportunity to name a litter of kittens or puppies at the shelter.
“When we get a litter of kittens in–if you win this package, you can come in and name all nine of those kittens, or seven of those kittens and you don’t have to bring them home! It’s kind of great! Same with puppies. We’ve got a package for puppies as well,” Fitch said.
This year, the shelter’s goal is to raise at least $40,000.
“Every bit of proceeds go back to the animals,” Fitch said. “This auction is kind of our bread and butter for the year.”
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