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Vote for the LSIF Canine King & Queen and Felines of the Festival!

January 21, 2022 - January 24, 2022
  • This event has passed.
Voting for this years Lake Superior Ice Festival Canine King & Queen and Felines of the Festival will commence on January 21st and will end on January 24th for a fee of $1 per vote. Canine winners will be crowned on Saturday, January 29th at 1:15 pm in Festival Park!  All contestants are invited to join in the fun and see the Coronation Ceremony complete with the Sterling Silver Dance Studio Princesses!  If your Canine wins this contest it is expected that you and your Furry Best Friend will be at the ceremony. Feline winners are not expected to attend however, we will be announcing a special dedication to them during the Coronation Ceremony, so we do ask that the Felines owners be in attendance at 1:15 pm as well. 
HSDC will have a table at the Ice Festival from 10-2 on Saturday with logoed merchandise, and handouts!  Stop by and see us!

To vote go to: https://IceFest2022HSDC.givesmart.com until January 24th at 9 PM for a fee of $1 per vote.  All proceeds from this event will continue to help HSDC provide essential care to the lost, homeless, and abandoned animals of Douglas County.


Organizer Name: HSDC
Phone: (715) 398-6784